
How can we help?

Welcome to the Office of Digital Learning (ODL). Our services to students, faculty, and staff support student achievement in technology-mediated learning environments. Explore our offerings and find out how we help online teaching and learning take flight:

Browse online programs and services at distance.fsu.edu

Online Course Design | Instructional design, media development, and pedagogy resources for departments and instructors offering online courses

Online Program Development | Administrative support for departments creating or managing online programs and for prospective and current distance students

Consultations & Workshops | Workshops, webinars, and one-on-one training to promote quality instruction and support faculty and instructors teaching online

Academic Technologies | Support for technologies that enhance teaching and learning, including Canvas, FSU's learning management system, as well as administration of FSU course evaluations

Testing Services | Coordination of on- and off-campus proctored testing and form scanning through the FSU Testing Center

About ODL | Information about the Office of Digital Learning, including our mission, commitments, latest news, and how to get in touch