Course Intro Video Questionnaire

Course intro videos are an excellent way to welcome students into your class. Intro videos make online classes feel more inviting, help students acclimate to a new environment, alleviate isolation for remote learners, increase instructor presence, and help online courses meet nationally recognized quality standards. Complete the questionnaire below, and we will be in touch!

Status message

Please note that ODL’s course intro video services are reserved for FSU for-credit distance learning courses.

Is this course fully or mostly developed?

Information message

We're sorry, but at this time we're only able to create course intro videos for courses that are fully or mostly developed.

We may use the link you provided above to show screens from your course that demonstrate its structure/organization, where to get started, and/or where students can find materials. If your course will change significantly after we produce the course intro video, use the space below to list pages, modules, or navigation subject to change and best not included in the video.
Does your course utilize teaching assistants?
Use the space below to include any additional information you'd like us to know or include in the course intro video.
Upload requirements
  • Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
  • 256 MB limit.
  • Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.

Status message

NOTE: Please ensure that all photos you submit have the proper copyright and licensing permissions.

By checking the box above, I agree to allow ODL staff access to my Canvas course site for the purpose of capturing and/or recording screenshots used in the finished video. I understand that ODL complies with all protections afforded students through FERPA and that no student-identifying information will be used in the finished video. I also understand that all media produced by ODL remains the property of FSU and any re-use beyond FSU courses is governed by Chapter 4.063 of FSU Regulations and Article 18.6 of the UFF-FSU Collective Bargaining Agreement.

*NOTE: In some of the above questions, you'll see the initials QMS accompanied by a number (eg, QMS 1.1). This indicates the Quality Matters Specific Review Standard this question correlates to. If you are not undergoing Quality Matters course certification, disregard the numbers but still answer the questions. If you are participating in Quality Matters course certification, pay close attention to each number and ensure that your answers align with QM Rubric Standards. The information you provide in this questionnaire, and therefore in your course intro video, could go a long way toward helping you earn QM course certification.