Interested in getting a course or program online? We recommend starting at least two and up to four semesters before you intend to offer the first course. This allows time for all stages of the process. Though getting a new course or program online can be time-consuming, the process itself is easy to follow, and ODL is available to provide technical guidance at any part of the process.

1. University Proposal
Initiate the university proposal process.
If you're interested in converting an existing program to an online delivery format, initiate the university proposal and approval process by contacting the Associate Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement.
If your program already exists in an online format and you're seeking ODL support for additional course development, skip to Step 2.
2. ODL Proposal
Initiate the ODL proposal process.
Initiate a proposal for ODL support by contacting Mary Eichin, ODL Associate Director. We'll work with you to determine a course rollout schedule and identify the ODL services needed to support your online program and/or courses.

3. Letter of Agreement
Execute a letter of agreement.
When the proposal has been approved for funding, we'll work with you to develop a letter of agreement (LOA). The LOA defines the development and support roles we'll provide and includes a timeline of the course rollout schedule. If you're in the university degree proposal process, you'll need to include a letter of support from ODL in the proposal.
4. Budget Request
Apply for a designated account.
If you don't already have a designated account, you can request one through the FSU Budget Office.
Departments offering distance learning courses that assess a distance learning fee should be aware of Florida Statute 1009.24.17(a) and 1009.24.17(b) regulating the assessment of distance learning fees.*

5. University Approvals
Submit documentation for university approvals.
All new courses and those seeking new delivery modes must submit their changes in the Curriculum Request Application (CRA). Be prepared to submit a syllabus as well as other documentation through the CRA to ensure proper coding of courses. If you have any questions about coding courses for online delivery, please reach out to our program support staff who can advise you during the course building process.
6. Instructional Development
Develop course(s) to FSU quality standards.
Whether you're developing a program or a course, ODL faculty and staff are available to provide consulting in online instructional design, training on technologies for course development and delivery, and project management. We are also available to conduct quality reviews of online courses using Quality Matters, a faculty-centered, peer review process designed to evaluate the quality of online courses.

7. Course Listings
List course in the student registration system.
Before an online course can be offered, ODL program specialists must attach the appropriate distance learning fees in the student registration system. Staff within the colleges create online course sections each semester. Careful coding of courses ensures that students can find distance learning courses efficiently in the course look-up system, are charged the correct tuition and fees, and can self-enroll based on accurate campus location and major.
8. Delivery Support
Deliver content with support from ODL staff.
When your courses are ready for delivery, ODL support continues. Program specialists answer student inquiries and provide guidance to colleges on offering online programs across state lines. Instructional faculty provide consulting on online instruction and training on a variety of topics to promote and support the delivery of quality online instruction at FSU, and our technology experts provide technical support and assistance by email, phone, and in one-on-one consultations.

*Distance learning fees are assessed per credit hour. Distance learning fees are assessed only for courses in which at least 80% of the direct instruction is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time or space, or both. The amount of the distance learning fee may not exceed the additional costs of the services provided which are attributable to the development and delivery of the distance learning course.